[Buddha-l] Buddhism and blasphemy

Joy Vriens joy.vriens at nerim.net
Mon Feb 6 02:59:21 MST 2006

Jørn Borup wrote:
> Now, do any of you know 
> about articles describing historical or modern situations of "Buddhism 
> and blasphemy"?

For me the whole history of Buddhism is one of iconoclasms/caricatures, 
followed by integration of iconoclasms, iconoclasms etc. The Buddha 
himself started with caricatures of Brahmans, Jains etc. Then there was 
the affair of the wet dreams of an Arhant, followed by the organised 
iconoclasm of Mahasanghika/Mahayana, with Vimalakirti's iconoclastic 
virtuosity, Lin Tsi and other Ch'an and Zen masters and not to forget 
esoteric Buddhism with its mahaasiddhas and iconoclastic masterworks 
like the Buddhakapaala-yoginii-tantra-raja. More recently Tibetan 
Buddhism had its dge 'dun chos 'phel, putting the ashes of his cigarette 
on the Budha's head, and not to forget Chogyam Trungpa.


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