[Buddha-l] anti-Israel and anti-semitism

Vicente Gonzalez vicen.bcn at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 12:18:46 MDT 2006

Thomas Fink wrote:

N>  Some of  my friends do not go anymore to the places in South of
N> Thailand, they  once enjoyed. And in a few years this will be also
N> the case with the  South of Spain. L´Andalusia. The border
N> separating what Muslims call  `dar al-Islam´,

only to clarify you this point, in Andalusia the only existent
invasion is of English and German pensioners. Even they have plains in
their villages to vote his own majors, etc... Only the English people
living in Spain actually is one of the more numerous immigration, with
more of 300.000 souls. Not counting the German, French, and others UE
people. Probably all them can be more than 600.000.
Muslims are 400.000, and mostly they have job contract and they
pay taxes, so they are contributing to the social security system.
They are young and healthy. English and German pensioners doesn't pay
these taxes, and they are of old age and they spend a lot in pharmacs,
medical and surgical needs.

So if we should look to the immigrants rentability, our worse
immigration is the European. Without doubt. And in terms of invasion,
their number grows every year without possibility to repatriate none
of them. However, there is not any social rejection against this type of
immigration but sometimes against our rentable immigration.
I think it is a product of the human prejudices.

N> The border separating what Muslims call  `dar al-Islam´, the "House
N> of Submission"(Islam), from `dar al-harb´,  the "House of Warfare"
N> (everyone else) is a long irregular battlefront, 

you are right in the sense that Islam suffers today an strong
deformation of his views by political reasons. In fact, "Submission"
refers to the submission of oneself to Allah. And yihad refers to
make an effort to find the right position to get the inner peace.
But these meanings can be rescued again if economics and educational
circumstances improves. Maybe it is a generational task but that's
possible. However, it is not possible when, as James Madison said, no
nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

As you are engaged in Muslim readings, I recommend you the works of
Ibn Arabi, Nasid al-Ard, and others of this style. They were so free
even to talk about rebirth in Islam. In those times Islam produced
many people devoted to search knowledge, peaceful mysticism, science,
poetry and beauty. It was possible with all the things existing inside
Coran, so there is nothing in that religion to impede a different way.

Your fears are quite common. However, note the stupidity of rich
western countries it's really showy. In example, European countries
they don't assimilate Islam when we have an opportunity to see a
different North-Islam; specially when it is already a daily fact to us.
Instead that, they react as if this religion would not be part of
Europe. They look them as some type of temporary fever.
I think quickly they should accept Turkey inside the UE, and also they
should build beauty mesquites in our cities. They should promote the
study of Islam in universities, the arab language, etc... In this way,
we would be able to see how other meanings can be rescued to confront
some of these radical views product of the lack of hope.

Europe is quite coward when they are defending a dead notion of the
West. Of course politicians don't live in a cement apartment with
muslim neighbors. Strangely, an eventual fashion of that people is
going to the poor African countries to give some help. But they never
go to perihelial neighborhoods to expend some weeks in their own
forgotten reality. It seems they only receive reports from Police to
know the state of the threat. Europe spend millions in communications
vigilance of common people instead giving them more education and
social improvement. And later, they should see how the new Victor
Hugo's miserables burn Paris without any ideology except the
no-future. And all that surveillance reveals itself as something 
What a rational design. Isn't it?

> How long it will take for the Age of Terrorism, the mass
> psychosis on all sides, is beyond estimation. But as with all things it 
> will end in time. And this end and what comes before this end will 
> affect us as Buddhists.

truth is that there is not an "age of terrorism". It is a mass-media
invention to hide a conflict between two different ways to conceive
the future of this world: one is a prolongation of the 20th century
based in fossil energies and exploitation of third world. The other
one is to eradicate the third world and fossil energies, and creating
a democratic UN of the societies of the world. Muslim people are just
another piece in all that. 

As a Buddhist, I can feel brotherhood with another citizen of any
other country but I wonder how I can feel brotherhood with the
companies of my own country or the blind machine of transnational
economy. Well, at least I cannot feel brotherhood with any economic
mechanism, only with real beings.

Question here is knowing why your actual administration did not lead
these changes in the start of millennium. Today your country would be
with more power and prestige than before. It is really strange.
Anyway, today this world lives without hope and the uncertainty, then
we see a clown in the UN saying some jokes and some truths. The clown
is a needed even beneficial presence. Clown appears in the hospital to
visit terminal children when there is not hope and doctor's recipes
doesn't work. Then he is a help to die with a more clear mind and
without fear, and people laughs and applaud the show.
So it is the state of this terminal civilization.

best regards,

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