[Buddha-l] End of laicity in France?

Joy Vriens jvriens at free.fr
Wed Oct 10 01:08:02 MDT 2007

Laicity is crumbling in France. The following article seems to be concerned with a small detail, but it is a breach in the French laicity system. Confronted with a fast growing demand for confessional schools, the French "public" (not in the English sense) schools seem to be ready to accept the demands of different religious groups, including Buddhists...

Canteens of "public" schools in the french town Lyon will serve meals without meat in order to avoid the possibility of vegetables to be contaminated by meat. Initially the demand was made to exclude only porc, but two Buddhist families joined in and asked for the exclusion of any meat. Those demands have been accepted after the interference of the High Authority against Discriminations and in favour of Equality  (Haute autorité de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l'égalité). A rabbi explained this was only the first step. 

Also note how vegetarianism has become a Buddhist practice. Buddhism has no coordinating and representative institution (a euphemism for "Vatican" ;-)), so any Buddhist can present whatever practice they think is essential for their practice of Buddhism and claim rights on the basis of freedom of the practice of religion and the right of equal rights.

 Lyon négocie la laïcité dans les cantines scolaires


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