[Buddha-l] Jung and Dignaga

Dan Lusthaus vasubandhu at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 31 10:40:00 MST 2008


For decades Heidegger's defenders used exactly your argument: His philosophy
does not rise or fall based on his personal life, it transcends it.

That argument was sufficient to stiffle discussion for awhile, until a
fuller disclosure of Heidegger's activities before and during the war (his
shameful treatment of his mentor, Husserl), etc. came to light. There is
Sizemore's book which documents how the French post-war intellectuals
deliberately sanitized Heidegger's biography.


and Rockmore's other works


And Rudolf Ott's work (in German, some in English translation).



and then an avalanche


And then Johannes Fritsche's _Historical Destiny and National Socialism in
Heidegger's Being and Time_ scrupulously demonstrated how Heidegger's Nazism
was not a mere accident outside relevance to his philosophy, but constituted
the essential core of Being and Time, the pivotal chapters of which mirror,
in language and intent, Hitler's Mein Kamp and other prominent Nazi writings
of the day. (Ever wonder why Heidegger never delivered the second volume of
Being of Time he promises at the end of the first volume?)

As for what all this has to do with Buddhism (aside from the potential for
opening a discussion, but no less disturbing, on the prominent 20th c.
Buddhologists who were also supporters of Nazism, even long after the war -- 
Evola, Tucci, Lindtner, et al., not to mention D.T. Suzuki and the Japanese
Buddhist establishment -- and wondering how people so deeply steeped in the
best of Buddhist thought can be so dangerously misguided), the answer is
probably a lot more than your feeble attempts to demonize me based on your
acquired samskaras of pratigha.

>By pointing out that Jung and your rants about him, (and Freud), are
irrelevant to Buddha-L I think I am within the agreed parameters for the

Since I did not introduce the topic of Jung or Freud, either back when the
discussion commenced, nor in its latest incarnation, but merely responded to
posts by others -- the most recent specifically naming me and thus requiring
a response -- the decorum you imagine I violated is a deluded fiction of
your own animus. I'd get that checked, if I were you. You could trip over


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