[Buddha-l] Check out The Right's Stupidity Spreads, Enabled by a Too-Polite Left

sjziobro at cs.com sjziobro at cs.com
Thu Feb 16 11:03:14 MST 2012

Well, it's encouraging to see such a high level of discourse here.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Jo <jkirk at spro.net>
To: 'Buddhist discussion forum' <buddha-l at mailman.swcp.com>
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2012 1:35 am
Subject: Re: [Buddha-l] Check out The Right's Stupidity Spreads, Enabled by a Too-Polite Left

Cockroaches have been around far longer than humans, and almost certainly
ill be around long after the last one of us is extinct ~ especially if the
iews of creationists, climate change deniers, and right wing talk-show
osts and bloggers prevail. I'm sure it could be reasonably argued that
ockroaches are smarter than many Republicans.
Thanks! I'll go for that perspective.
S:: no sooner said than done? 
 Leak Offers Glimpse of Campaign Against Climate Science"
Joanna K.
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