[Buddha-l] Article: The Death of the Scientific Buddha

Dan Lusthaus vasubandhu at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 2 14:18:42 MDT 2012

Hi Franz,

HHDL's "dialogue" with scholars and scientists (or with scholars *about* 
science) has been ongoing and pretty well-tread territory at this point. Now 
that a number of schools -- Emory, Virginia and UW-Madison quickly come to 
mind -- have established funded research programs the old complaint that no 
one takes the wookie stuff seriously is getting harder to make. We still 
have to wait for compelling results to appear.

Materialists are not so much wrong about a variety of things, as their 
account is incomplete and reductive. Non-materialists avoid the 'evidence' 
issue pretty much the way religions do, by pretending they're "above" all 
that silliness.

Buddhists demand evidence.


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