[Buddha-l] Re: Self-inmolation in the Buddhist tradition

Benito Carral bcarral at kungzhi.org
Tue Oct 11 17:18:36 MDT 2005

On Tuesday, October 11, 2005, Curt wrote:

   First of all, thank you for your commentary.

> I would prefer to put forward the "position" that one
> should  assume  that anyone who would do such a thing
> is just plain crazy.

   I  think  that  the 'crazy' label is not very useful
here.  If  we take into account the Ven. Xu-yun's story
that  I  shared with the list, we can learn a couple of

   1)  The  self-immolated monk was one of great virtue
and  dharmic accomplishment. 2) Neither Ven. Xu-yun nor
the  people  around  the  monk thought it was something
'crazy.'  3)  Transmiting  the Bodhisattva precepts was
more  important for Ven. Xu-yun than taking care of the
monk's   funeral.  4)  People  got  confidence  in  the
Buddhadharma because of the ocurrence.

   Best wishes,


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