[Buddha-l] Can Buddhism "evolve"?

Joy Vriens joy at vrienstrad.com
Sat May 26 00:14:40 MDT 2007

The question is somehow contradictory, "Can *Buddhism* evolve"? Evolve into what? Into *Buddhism*? 

Can whatever people's idea of "Buddhism" is somehow be preserved in the way these people evolve? Of course it can. It's only a label. If one sticks it onto whatever one considers to be Buddhism, then "Buddhism" will have evolved. It's as simple as that. Help yourself or continue doing so, if you get any benefit out of that  ;-) 

I am reading Gordon White's The Alchemical Body and The Kiss of the Yogini. Things I had never understood in Tibetan Buddhism suddenly become a lot clearer when looked at from a Siddha/Kaula perspective. Buddhism is very flexible, it won't break. 

And Batchelor is hardly bending it...


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