[Buddha-l] Nalanda photos

Dan Lusthaus vasubandhu at earthlink.net
Tue May 14 21:19:39 MDT 2013

> The burning of the library is actually never mentioned in 
> Tabaqat-I-Nasiri. Perhaps, I missed it?
> Rahula

I don't have the book at hand at the moment. Citing Mukherjee, A. K. 
_Librarianship: Its Philosophy and History_. Delhi: Asia Publishing House, 
1966 as his source, R.K. Bhatt in his "Academic Libraries in India: A 
Historical Study" states: 

"Regarding the library of the university, the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri informs us 
that there were great number of books on the religion of Hindus (Buddhists) 
there; and when all these books came under the observation of the 
Mussalamans, they summoned, a number of Hindus that they might give them 
information regarding the import of these books; but the whole of the Hindu 
community was killed in the war . Muslim vandalism caused the disappearance 
of the excellent collection at Vikramashila."

I can't check the accuracy of his paraphrase until examining the book.


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