[Buddha-l] Jung and Dignaga

Vicente Gonzalez vicen.bcn at gmail.com
Thu Jan 1 04:08:47 MST 2009

Hi Joanna,

I agree the paper shows the Jung interest in promoting himself in the
nazi regime. I don't think it can be enough to demonize him. About the
role of US, rest of developed countries are not very different in 20th
century damages.  It is just a problem of the historical moment and
who is the owner of economics and knowledge. Other countries would
made no different things in a similar situation. There are not
isolated paradises in this earth neither special human beings in some

happy new year,

j> I don't have time to write a long essay, but wish to say thanks
j> for bringing up the prevailing widely-shared social darwinism,
j> racism, & eugenics ideologies of the pre-war and wartime periods
j> in Europe and the USA--these were powerful influences at the
j> time. As you say, some of it continued right up until rather
j> recently, in the US at least, and the machinery of the
j> globalization empire is deeply at work in Africa, as you noted
j> (also in India, South America and SE Asia), causing the deaths of
j> millions for the sake of company profits. 

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