[Buddha-l] Meditation and mental illness

JKirkpatrick jkirk at spro.net
Sun Jul 25 11:13:02 MDT 2010

Hello again, I hope it's ok to ask the list another question.

Is there any research on the dangers of meditation for those with
or who have had a severe mental illness? Or on attitudes toward
practicing with that sort of history?

Sorry if that is not really academic enough.


Hello Luke,

I'm sure there IS research but I have no idea how or where to
find it. 
There are tons of psychiatrists, counselors, therapists etc who
integrate Buddhist meditation into their practices, but how to
find the effective, most insightful ones is a problem. I wasn't
able to find anyone in UK whom you might consult with your
As Dan and Erik have already noted, a history of mental illness
re: Buddhist meditation
entails taking even more care, since there are examples of
non-mentally ill persons freaking out while meditating. I would
not recommend heading for a monastery or Theravada training
center without consulting a medically trained and meditationally
appropriate person first.

You could try sending an email to this person in the US, Bob
Stahl, who trained with a psychiatrically-trained Buddhist
practitioner, Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of many books on meditation,
stress reduction and so on. (Jack Kornfield has a similar
background, but how to find him?)  Best to start with a person
rather than a book, I'd guess. And anyway, this is the only
possibly qualified person among many possibilities for whom I've
been able to find an email address. 

Stahl might be able to refer you to someone appropriate for
consultation in the UK:

        Bob Stahl, Ph.D., directs Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction programs at Camino Medical Group in Sunnyvale, El
Camino Hospital in Mountain View, Dominican Hospital in Santa
Cruz, O'Connor Hospital in San Jose, and Santa Cruz Medical
Foundation. Bob has conducted many mindfulness programs for
physicians and health care professionals, as well as for those
seeking relief from chronic stress and illness. He also works
individually with clients interested in a Mindfulness-Based
health program and lifestyle. He is a long time practitioner of
mindfulness meditation, having practiced for over eight years in
a Buddhist monastery. Bob has completed training with Jon
Kabat-Zinn and is a certified mindfulness-based stress reduction
teacher having been certified by UMass Medical Center.
He can be reached by email at bob at mindfulnessprograms.com 

Or, for a general contact at the Univ.of Mass. Med. School
Mindfulness Center (founded by Kabat-Zinn) try sending your query
to:  mindfulness at umassmed.edu 

I hope this is helpful.

Joanna K.


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