[Buddha-l] Maybe I was wrong

Franz Metcalf franz at mind2mind.net
Wed Jul 28 12:56:23 MDT 2010

Dan et al.,

> Let me put the point directly. Who can name a graduate
> program in Buddhist Studies that offers a well-designed
> concentration in philosophy aside from U. Chicago today?

Hmmm, this definitely begs the question of what the heck I was doing  
getting my damn PhD from there of all places.

>  I coined a term long ago -- psychosophy

Have you copyrighted this? I get the smell of money here.

> Archaeologists will tell us that the best situation is
> when they not only find artifacts, but have related
> texts which provide insight into what those artifacts
> meant in their original context, how they were used,
> etc. It saves one from lots of questionable speculation.

Agreed, but I hope you also agree that textualists ought also to know  
they their best situation comes when they not only have texts but also  
find artifacts related to them to provided insight into what those  
texts meant. Philosophers, too, are prone to "questionable  
speculation" (as Dr. Hayes enjoys reminding us). I'm sure you do  
agree, but this was not necessarily my experience at good ol' UofC. As  
in all things, a nice middle way goes a good distance to solving the  
problem, eh?


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