[Buddha-l] Nalanda's destruction

L.S. Cousins selwyn at ntlworld.com
Sat May 25 13:03:20 MDT 2013


What is your source for this claim about the group trying to reestablish 
Nalanda University ?


> I wouldn't exactly call Sariputra a huckster, but he does remind me of 
> the well-heeled and seemingly respectable group currently trying to 
> reestablish Nalanda University in India and hitting up potential 
> donors around the globe (of course, when you hear their actual plans, 
> it has very little to do with Buddhism or promoting Buddhist studies 
> -- they are more interested in Islamic studies, actually --  but they 
> use the name and reputation to elicit interest and mega-$$). For 
> Sariputra, making the rounds of Buddhist countries like Tibet and 
> China, fundraising in the capital cities with the claimed purpose of 
> sending money back to Bodhgaya to keep it going -- one only has to 
> look at the current international interest and investment in Bodhgaya 
> to see how lucrative that might be. (The dissertation is well worth 
> reading -- lots of good information on the pan-asian situation of 
> Buddhism at that time.)

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